- TOP Racing Photon EX - Rafael Ortiz - Getafe - 24.03.2013 -

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The race took place on 24 March 2013. It was a rainy morning in Asoger Circuit. The choice of the wheels was difficult, because only one set of tires is allowed for the entire race. The rain stopped, but the track surface was still a bit wet. Towards the finals, the track was drying up and having more grip. The weather condition made the tire decision critical. Carlos Lambas (Yokomo, Dualsky) managed to win the first two finals, not having the need to participate in the third. The second position was very close competition between Rafa Ortiz (T.O.P. Photon EX, Acorn) and Carlos Fernandez (T.O.P. Photon EX, Acorn). Finally, Rafael Ortiz obtained the second position, leaving the podium formed by Carlos Lambas, Isaiah Paul and Rafael Ortiz.
