The installation is pretty simple but just to help I put together a few pics with instructions on how to install everything. You will need to select and adjust slipper pads and spring to your liking and track conditions. On low to med dirt or clay the stock slipper pads work just fine. You will want to punch some holes in the pad that drives the rear. I would suggest doing several pads with different sized holes and trying them to see what feels best to you. On high traction tracks you will want to get the Team Associated 91170 slipper pads and runs only one on the side that drives the front and use a stock pad on the rear. If you should need to get the slipper even tighter you can use the TLR 232066 HD slipper spring.

It has been brought to my attention I've made a small mistake. There are a lot of parts on my YZ-4 that don't belong on it. One of the first things I did after building my buggy is milled this pulley flange down to fit on the front slipper pulley. It's been on my car so long I forgot that it didn't come with the kit and I've designed the slipper to work with it so anyone who is not using this flange the spacing is going to be off. If you need a quick fix to get you on the track you can use a 5x2mm spacer like the one used between the axle bearings or you can stack some shims to go in place of where I have the flange. I am going to have this issue fixed for the current batch I am making now and for anyone who has already bought one I will send you the shim to correct this if you need me to.

FT High Torque Slipper Pad (91170)

HD Slipper Spring Set: All 22 (TLR232066)


J. Grimes