- Team Yokomo B-Max4III - Naoto Matsukura - EOS - Wels - 25-27.04.2014 -

Motor: Yokomo 5.5
ESC: Yokomo
Batteries: Yokomo
Radio/Servo: Sanwa
Remarks: Fastest in qualifying here at the final EOS encounter, Naoto’s 4wd buggy is sporting many new bits that are supposed to better the performances of the car on carpet. One of the most important new things is the chassis, that now allows the use of the popular – and super light – shorty packs. To improve the feeling on the steering wheel, the Yokomo R&D team have designed a new carbon steering rack stiffener, meant to dramatically reduce the torsion on the high bite surfaces, and that together with a new harder servo saver spring make the steering way more precise. A new wing has also been developed back in Japan and Matsukura is using it on his blistering fast buggy. Setup-wise, he is using a thicker (1.8mm) sway bar on the rear, with orange/green shock springs on front and rear, and he went for the inner holes on his shock mounts to compensate with the lighter buggy – the weight decrease being due to the smaller battery. He is also using the B-Max4 II version of the rear arms.

