- Team Xray XB4 - Nuno Rebelo - Portuguese Nationals - RC Fun Zone - 09-10.03.2013 -
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On the weekend of 9th and 10th of March took place at the RC Fun Zone Track the last race of the Portuguese TT National Indoor Series 2013. The track is an indoor carpet with a very flowing and fast layout, located in Palmela just minutes away from Lisbon. Around 40 drivers were in the race, 26 on Buggy 2wd, 22 on buggy 4wd, 7 on SC 2wd and 7 on SC 4wd. Team Xray was represented by Nuno Rebelo on Buggy 4wd class. Nuno was on the path for the title and he and his mecanic work really hard on the weekend with this in mind. Following a great result at the opening 1/8th Off Road Nationals with a 2nd place and a perfect race management, the Team was really confident they can achieve the Top score at the Championship.
Saturday was the Free Practice day and Nuno had a great and strong pace, wich took expectations to the highest level. Qualifying went through on Sunday and in the end of it Nuno was on the 3rd spot for the Amain, everything was going as it should. In the Finals luck was not on Nuno side and he finished 6th, wich gave him a 3rd overall result at the championship. In the end of the championship we think it was a great result, this was Nuno very first experience at Electric OffRoad and being in the fight for the title until the last minute was an impressive result, wich at the same time showed how good XB4 performed.
Final Race Result:
1. Miguel Matias
2. Ricardo Monteiro
3. Nuno Duraes
4. Hugo Miguel
5. Nuno Roque
6. Nuno Rebelo - XRAY XB4
Championship Overall Result:
1. Nuno Duraes
2. Ricardo Monteiro
3. Nuno Rebelo - XRAY XB4

