- Team Xray XB4 - Martin Bayer - EOS - Poznan - 18-20.10.2013 -
Motor: LRP
Batteries: LRP
Radio/Servo: Futaba/Savox
Current European Champion Martin Bayer is racing a pretty stock Xray XB4 and according to the Czech driver the setup he is using isn’t much different from the stock carpet setup provided when you purchase the car. Martin has given a lot of attention to the handout Pro-Line tires on his LRP powered buggy deciding to cut the outer line of pins and to glue the outside of the tires to make them stiffer.
Rear control tire – Pro-Line Pin Point Z3 Compound (#8228-103)
Front control tire – Pro-Line 4WD Pin Point Z3 Compound (#8229-103)
PDF File

Race report by Reno Savoya
The EOS season is rolling again! First, I flew to Vienna and practice at Hudy Arena with Juraj Hudy and Martin Bayer. We adjusted the basic setup for XB4 2014 and XB4 2wd for carpet conditions and were pleased with the performance of both cars. EOS Rd1 was hosted by Poznan RC club in Poland, in a Hobby show with 40 000 visitors expected. Scotty Ernest and Uwe Reinhard put again a great show together, with nice competition and atmosphere.
In 2wd, I had some problems during practices in order to set the brake of my car correctly so I crashed many times and missed the needed track time to be more competitive. I missed A-main for 1 point, being 2 times in the top 7. I found the perfect setup in Leg 3 where I won the race and set one of the fastest laptime of the day. I'm very pleased with my XB4 2wd setup now and look forward to do better next round!
In 4wd, the team showed really strong potential with all 3 cars of Jiri Mara, Martin Bayer and I in the main final! The competition was really tough in all 3 legs and I missed the win 2 times for one hair! Tied on points with Team mate Martin, the fastest time set the podium 2nd and 3rd!
Final result:
1. Jörn Neumann
2. Martin Bayer - XRAY XB4
3. Reno Savoya - XRAY XB4
4. Hupo Hönigl
5. David Ronnefalk
6. Michal Orlowski
7. Benni Gröschel
8. Jiri Mara - XRAY XB4
9. Tom Cockerill
10.Nicolas Risser
