Dry - Short or worn
Front, 4wd & Rear:
- Mini Spike, Yellow
Inner and/or outter row can be cutted to have less aggressive steering.

For 2wd buggy, depending desired feeling, alternative tyre are:
- Cut Stagger Low Profile (U6770)
- Cut Stagger Slim (U6759)
- Stagger Rib (U6592).
2wd - U6581

4wd - U6557

Rear - U6558

Dry - Fresh/Long grass
Front, 4wd & Rear:
- Full Spike, Yellow
4wd - U6557

Rear - U6558

Front, 4wd & Rear:
- Mini Spike, Green
2wd - U6550

4wd - U6515

Rear - U6516

Ballistic Buggy
Front, 4wd & Rear:
- Mini Spike, Green
2wd - BBT05

4wd - BBT03

Rear - BBT01

Release: May 2013

For any add-on, comments or correction, contact arn0 at petitrc dot com