- Team Ansmann X4TE - Simon Moss - Worksop - Indoor Offroad Masters Rd1 - 09.10.2011 -
This will pretty much be my base setup for the majority of tracks I go to
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What is the benefit of cutting the top deck?
Top deck - yes it will allow more rear end flex and make the car slightly easier to drive. The reason i have done this is the car is too rigid at the back, and on low grip surfaces was struggling for forward traction and side bite and this seems to help.
Anti-Squat - car comes with 0 degrees i think, but its not as simple as adding washers. You will have to dremel away the sides of the gearbox to allow the wishbones to travel freely up and down. If you dont, when you put 2mm underneath the front bar the will bind and not drop.
Seen reference to flipping the wishbones before, what does it mean and what benefits are there from doing it?
Rear Shocks on the front - all you have to do is flip the wishbones and then space the shocks far enough forward on the mount to allow them to be upright. This will work without any other modifications. I did last night modify rear a little after talking to Danny and Stu and have now mounted the rear mount on the front of the bracket, thus decreasing the distance you have space the shocks forward. It involves removing the bottom of the shock mount up to the first cross bar join and then screwing right through the plastic brace and bolting on fromm theother side. You will however need to flatten the angle on the plastic bracket, otherwise the shock tower will have a slight angle.
Simon Moss