- Serpent SRX4 - Jared Kirkwood - Build -

Front and rear gear differentials. Both built very well.

Like the 2wd SRX2 the SRX4 features adjustable differential height.

The center transmission comes equipped with an aluminum locker. A clicker is available as option for those that would like that adjustment.

Bag 2 is completed by attaching center transmission to the chassis

Bag 3 completes the transmission assembly.

Added some set screws to hold the insert into place. This removes play that develops as the kit ages.

Pre-tapping all the camber link holes in the inner mounts and hubs during the build makes for easier adjustments at the track.

Bags 4 and 5 completes the rear suspension. Be sure to check your sway bar tweak by making sure the suspension arms lift the same amount on each side. Easy measured with calipers.

Best sway bar design in the industry. Both sides lift exactly the same amount
No modifications needed the rear end as everything built beautifully

Build tip: Soak all the metal to metal steering parts to remove machining oils. This will help prevent o all a DNF as the locktight will work better.

Bag 6 completes the steering assembly.

Bag 8 completes the front suspension.

Cut out a small notch in the mud guard to get the SMC 120AMP ESC to fit.
