Takeshi's notes:

  • Install B2128 (aluminum part that attaches the upper rod of the rear hub) in the direction that shortens the upper rod. (The protrusion should be on the chassis side.)
  • The shock pistons were pretty good, so I think this is it. Front AS91934, rear AS92428. When using Associated pistons, add a 0.1 to 0.2 mm shim between the piston and the washer. I'll do some more oil testing. Maybe 27.5 for the rear.
  • For shock springs, use Associated red or orange for the front, and Associated blue or yellow for the rear. If you want stability, use a softer one. If you can't read the road surface, rear blue is safe. If you want to bend, use yellow.
  • As for the gear diff, I didn't notice much difference in terms of time reflection, so I'll go with about 4 gears 3000. I need to test the diff height a bit more.
  • Assuming that the wing does not interfere with the tire while driving, it seems best to mount it as low as possible, even if it means increasing the cut area on the side.
  • I plan not to put an inner tire on the front tire.
  • I plan to use JConcepts wheels for the actual race.
  • I will test the standard lightweight or F2 lightweight body once the paint is ready, and go with either one.
  • Be careful with the first pack of new tires, as they will move a bit peaky. If the front gets caught and becomes unstable, or if you get a high side, increase the amount of shoulder glue a little.
  • The image below shows the basic amount of shoulder glue. The basic rule is to apply it up to the border with the pattern.
  • Source: