Over the weekend, I attended the Judge at GSHobby in Barling, Arkansas with my newest addition to the fleet; the 22SCT 3.0. This was my fifth straight year attending this great event put on by Bryon Shumate and Chris Jones of GSHobby. The track is small in size with lap times between 6-8 seconds, but it’s still a blast to race on and the traction is super high. This event isn’t just about racing, as we get great sponsors on board like TLR/Horizon Hobby for one of the best raffle prize giveaways I’ve ever seen. I set my TLR 22SCT 3.0 with some knowledge of the 22SCT 2.0. I would like to share what we came up with and finished with after the event was over. I installed some key items like front and rear sway bars (TLR334001 and TLR334038) to help with the added traction at GSHobby.


JR Mitch