This is my current set-up which has helped me to win the first two rounds of the BRCA East of England Regional Championship. Both tracks are grass, but one is tight, twisty and bumpy while the other was much more open and smooth.
Toe - 0 degree
Ride Height – 19mm
Camber - -1 degree
Caster - 5 degree
Trail - 4mm
Kick angle - 25 degree
Sway Bar - N/A
Oil - 37.5
Piston - 3 x 1.45mm tapered piston
Spring - Green
Front Pivot - Aluminium
Kick Shim - Brass
Shock Limiters - 2mm
Shock Location - 2 - outside on 22 2.0 wishbone
Bump Steer - 1mm standard ball stud
Steering Ackerman – 1mm low ball stud
Camber Link - 1 with 2mm and B (outside) with 1mm
Spindle Location - 1mm top and bottom
Chassis Config - Mid Motor
Toe - 3 degree
Anti Squat - 2 degree
Roll center - low (LRC)
Ride height - 19mm
Camber - -2 degree
Rear hub spacing - 3mm front & 1 mm rear
Hex width - +1.5mm
Sway bar - N/A
Oil - 32.5wt
Piston - 3 x 1.55mm tapered
Spring - Standard white or low Freq yellow
Shock limiters - none, shock bottom unscrewed two turns
Camber Link - 1 with 1mm and D with 2mm
Shock location - 2 - Inside
Wing - JConcepts Finnisher with 3mm wickerbill
Bettery position - shorty up against stumpy servo
TLR Bellcrank steering
-2.5mm chassis
TLR side pod weights
Vampire Type ABplus V2 7turn geared 24/78
Avid Triad slipper clutch
Front- GRP bludog in B Compound
Rear - Schumacher Mini Spike in yellow compound with GRP white insert
Front - Schumacher Low Profile Cut Stagger in Green
Rear - Ballistic Buggy Spike in green compound with MR O standard insert