- Team Losi Racing 22 2.0 - Horizon Hobby - Build -
Differential, slipper & transmission
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Bag C includes the transmission.

Do you want to evenly coat your main diff balls with diff grease? Squeeze a bit into the bag that the diff balls come in and roll the diff balls around in the bag between your thumb and forefinger. Instant coverage without getting a bunch of diff lube everywhere!
Now if you like how this works you can use this same process on the thrust bearings, simply substitute the black grease for the clear and you're good to go!

If you look closely you can see the little nubs that have been molded into the diff gear.

The sliver areas of the diff outdrives show where there has been a secondary machining process to ensure that the surface area where the rings sit to ensure consistent diff performance.

Before installing the diff spring in the outdrive squeeze it a few times in a pliers to get it to set properly.
For those paying attention yes, I did finally replace my pliers with a new set.

The completed diff. I used the same process in assembling this diff as in our recent tutorial.

The gears and bearing installed in half of the gear box. Pay note to where the manual states you need to use TLR-Lok on the screws that hold the motor plate to the gear box.

The completed gearbox. Do not crank the screws down that hold the halves together as you can bind up the bearings and cause excessive drag.

The 22 2.0 features a new slipper pad and spur gear for modified racing. TLR also includes a smaller 70T spur with the typical TLR slipper pad configuration.

You need to remember to install this red shim before installing the back slipper plate. Without this shim the slipper plate can drag on the motor plate.

For power we turned to Team Orion. Now I am not a great modified driver so I went with a mild mod in a 9.5T VST 2 modified motor. This is Team Orion's latest design and I have heard some very good things about it!

The VST 2 features a molded cap to protect the solder tabs on the motor. With that cap removed you can see just how big the solder tabs are.

The motor and pinion installed. Just need to install the gear cover and this will be mounted to the chassis!

Bag C complete with the installation of the transmission onto the chassis. This build has gone very quickly. I don't know if it is because this is basically the 5th car based on this platform I've built ( 22, 22T, 22SCT, 22T-22SCT converted and now this car) and I am very familiar with it or that it is just that good but this has been a very easy build!

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