- Kyosho Ultima RB5 - Beavis353 - Magic Setup -


I've been testing since December on a medium/high grip indoor track for that "magic" setup that works almost anywhere. If you would like steering, feel free to try this setup on your car. I recently went to a loamy outdoor track, and the very same setup worked AWESOME.

The best way I can describe it, is the stearing of a B4, with the jumping and rough track handling of a XXX.


Toe: negative 1/2 degree
Ride height 23
Camber -1
Caster stock
No sway bar
30 wt oil
Molded 57 piston
Orange spring
Zero limiters, unscrew 1.5 turns
Spindals up
Narrow axle
CR stearing
Bump steer .030
Camber link 1A/0 (stock ball stud)
Shock location 3-Middle
VLA long
No front wing
Add .050 under front bulkhead to get 27 degrees front kick up


Toe 3 degree, stock hubs
Antisquat 3 degrees
Camber -.5
Rear hubs back
Stock outdrives
No sway bar
20 wt oil
2 hole drilled 54 piston
White spring
Zero limiters
3b/2 camber link
Shock location 2 outside
VLA short
Wing... Jconcepts 7" if rear grip is low
Stock Jconcepts if grip comes up
Battery forward

Indoor clay track tires:
2wd pink tappers 3/4 stock rear insert
Rear tire 1/2 worn out pink tapper with new bomb one

Outdoor loamy top soil track tires:
Front stock red rib that came with the car, 3/4 rear stock insert
Rear red x 2000 bomb one.
