The DEX410V3 came equiped with a new design of RR suspension hanger on the back of the buggy.
The new hanger #TD330307 uses moulded inserts #TD330309 to change anti-squat settings, rather than switching the whole hanger. This means there’s less expensive parts for the racer to purchase and more settings possible.

Squat is the tendancy of the car to lean back under acceleration – the nose comes up and the rear of the car sits down lower. Anti-Squat as the name suggests is designed to reduce the squatting effect and is achieved by angling the rear suspension arms so the front of the pivot point is higher than the rear.
The further you ‘lean’ the suspension arms back, the more effective anti-squat you’ll get. Unlike the front of the car which could have quite a lot of angle to the suspension, the rear needs far less angle to operate properly and due to the small angles involved it’s sometimes hard to really see the changes on the bench.

The RR hanger from the DEX410V3 uses plastic inserts to off-set the pivot point of the hinge pin. Three different offset inserts are provided in the kit and off-set by different ammounts.

Above: The ‘3′ insert the correct way up inside the RR hanger. This gives the most anti-squat possible – you can see the hole for the pivot ball is offset to the bottom of the insert.
With the RF hanger in -2 ‘Low Roll Centre’ configuration, these inserts used on the RR hanger give 1, 2 and 3 degrees of anti-squat, when the inserts are the correct way round with the number the correct orientation. Running the insers upside down it’s possible to gain extra setup options.
Note: In low roll centre setup, the ‘3′ insert used upside-down actually gives 0.5 degrees of pro-squat.

Using the ‘High Roll Centre’ setup with the RF hanger in +2, the settings are not quite as easy to understand since the 1-2-3 inserts don’t give settings that match the number shown. The chart below shows the actual settings using the inserts in both orientations when using the high roll centre.

The anti-squat settings for both high and low roll centres are shown below – or print the PDF version out for pit box.

Anti Squat:
Anti Squat helps to keep the mass transfer of the car in balance under loading. In general, the more anti squat you run on a car, the more it stiffens up the suspension on loading (On Power). This stiffening reduces the energy lost in the suspension as the mass is transferred, which gives more forward traction on power and increases the level of grip under power.
Over bumps, this stiffening has a slight negative effect, in that it makes the car a little worse (for the same oil/piston setup) over bumps. It is worth keeping this in mind, as there is a compromise.
In Summary:
Increasing Anti Squat
- Increases ‘On Power’ rear traction.
- Reduces ‘Off Power’ rear traction (Which can help to make the car ‘pivot’)
Decreasing Anti Squat has the opposite effects.
Roll Centre:

Using the +2 block will raise the roll centre height making the car ‘roll’ more at the rear end, which can help to generate grip on low traction surfaces and will make the car change direction slower than in the -2 position.
When changing to the +2 block, remember to re check your droop setting as it will have changed from the block being in the -2 position.