- Team Durango DEX210 - Hubert Honigl - Austrian Nationals - Fehring - 05.06.2012 -
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The second round of the Austrian 10th off road nationals took place last weekend in Febring – the same venue that will host the 2012 European Championships later in the year.
The track was well prepared for the race and the club organizers changed the corner-table after the straight in contrast to the Euro’s Warm Up some weeks ago. Some days before the race started they had really bad weather and they were not sure to arrange it. So the drivers voted for 2 qualification rounds on Saturday and 3 on Sunday at the drivers meeting.
Hupo Honigl attended a 1/8th buggy race in Germany on the Saturday, so he missed out practice and the first two rounds of qualifying – and the 500 mile drive the night before was also playing a part. Martin Kriel was on top form however and managed to line up second on the grid in 2WD with his DEX210 as Hupo sat 4th overall after limited practice.
Overall Qualification:
- Pfeifhofer
- Kreil – Durango DEX210
- Stocker
- Hupo – Durango DEX210
- Prihoda – Durango DEX210
- Hintringer – Durango DEX210
In the end Team Durango took 2nd and 3rd place
- Pfeifhofer
- Hupo – Durango DEX210
- Martin Kriel – Durango DEX210

4wd was in the opposite track direction of 2wd. Martin Kreil took TQ with his DEX410v3, just ahead of Hupo in second overall.
Overall Qualification:
- Kreil Durango - Durango DEX410v3
- Hupo Durango - Durango DEX410v3
- Hauleitner
- Holicky Durango - Durango DEX410v3
- Prihoda Durango - Durango DEX410v3
Final 1: Hupo won the first final with Holicky in 2nd.
Final 2: Martin Kreil had a close battle with Hupo but after some laps made a mistake and Hupo walked away. Hupo looked like he’d take an easy win but made a rare mistake however on the last lap and Martin Kreil would finish 1st.
Final 3: Hupo won the last final and went home with the overall win. Martin Kriel finshed 2nd and Holicky completed the perfect Team Durango podium domination!
- Hupo - Durango DEX410v3
- Kreil - Durango DEX410v3
- Holicky - Durango DEX410v3
- Prihoda – Durango DEX410v3

