- Team Durango DEX410V3 - Armand Lantheaume - French Nationals - Vic La Gardiole - 12-13.05.2012 -
Dr Speed Race Report
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Gilles Bennardo reports on the third round of the French 10th off road nationals – where Team Durango took an impressive 1-2-3 finish in the 4WD final.

With Alex BEAUQIER as new Team mate, Team Durango France made a complete domination on the 3rd French National
We where very sad to learn that David “Peace” had a bad knee accident, but his “Xtrem Team” has worked very hard to prepare and organize this important race. XtremRace is a dirt track that was created by David and his crew.
Once again the car was amazing, great grip easy on the jump and reaaaallllly fast. We had prepared some setups to compare our different driving styles and we had a intense work to make our car perfect handling.
Under a strong sunny day and 30°C we started the race with a great track, the jump where well designed. The straight became really bumpy and tricky on some parts. lots of cars finished in the barriers! From the first run, Armand was faster than all of us but it is DUFAU-CAZENAVE Alexis who took the best over all in the first round. Second Qualifier saw Armand take the lead, Alexis was second, Gilles third and Alex took 4th position. 4 DEX 410 V3 in the 4 first places. This position didn’t change until the final
The weather was still sunny but cooler than saturday. Armand Lantheaume managed to win the two first round and finishes once again 1st. The second leg was not a good one for Gilles and Alex managed to get the second place. The third and final leg of the A final started with a small mistake from Alexis – Gilles took the lead and won, putting him 2nd over all.
With 7 cars in the main, and the first three places – Team Durango had a great week end in Vic La Gardiole!
Team Durango France wants to thank “XtremTeam” for so much Fun
Thanks also to www.drspeed.fr for the use of the photos

A. Lantheaume
