The 410 family of vehicles have used the same X-ring diff seals since launch and some users have had less success than others with them.
The washers (TD709001) that sit next to the X-rings and behind the E-clip were updated to a slightly thicker item as a running change to help minimise outdrive movement and keep things nicely sealed but still some users have experienced a slow leak of the diff oils. The older TD709001 washers were black and the updated items are silver – so you can check to see which you have.
Some of our team drivers have tried other seals to find the best possible performance and some of our drivers have been using DNX408 shock o-ring seals (Part No.TD330099) in the DEX410 differentials for months without problems of leaking.

Standard X-ring seal

The DNX408 (TD330099) shock seal vs the standard X-ring
The Shock o-rings are smaller than the X-rings but once assembled into the differentials they fill the gaps and seal well. Oil the recess where the o-ring will sit and place the 0-ring in position.

Lube the recess where the o-ring will sit

Grease or oil the input shaft

If you insert the outdrive / input shaft into position now you’ll probably dislodge the o-ring and getting it fully seated with the outdrive shaft in place can be tricky – you can use the box spanner from the kit, to press down the o-ring whilst the input shaft is in place.

You can use the box driver from the kit to push the o-ring down whilst inserting the outdrive

Done! - now for the other side
Reinstall the washer and e-clip and after you’d done both o-rings just follow the rest of the regular differential build – the guides below have some useful tips that relate to building the differentials as well as the gearbox housings.
Items you’ll need for the modification are one pack of TD330099 DNX408 SHOCK SEAL O-RING – which contains enough to do four differentials.
You can read some useful differential build information in the DESC410R centre diff article here: DESC410R Centre Diff Option
Information on tightening the differential case properly to ensure it’s sealed well can be found in the Gearbox Build Guide here:
DEX410 Gearbox Pro-Build