Associated RC10 Worlds Review! Turnbuckles: Bag F

Here’s the fifth post of our complete build and review of the RC10 World’s Car from Team Associated!Now, we’ll be building up the turnbuckles and adding them to the car. If you missed the start, we began with a complete unboxing (including a 20+ minute video at the end!), just click here to read through it, then carry on with the steps (linked at the bottom of each build post) and catch up!
You can also get a quick (and shorter) review of the build and run in the October 2014 edition of Radio Race Car magazine, who organized this review in partnership with RC Racing TV! We’d also like to thank CML Distribution for supplying the kit! Ready now? OK, let’s go!

This series of steps are pretty simple, it’s just that assembling the turnbuckles take a little time as usual.

But hey, at least they’re not threaded rod like on the RC10 Classic re-re, eh?

So here are your bits for this step. Remember back a few steps when we had to remove a turnbuckle and a pair of ball cups? That’s why there’s less parts shown here than what are actually in Bag F.

No one actually has a pair of calipers that measure in inches like that, so luckily AE put measurements in millimeters too. Not sure if the original kit had millimeters…I would bet it didn’t!

And here’s those turnbuckles attached to the car. Now you can pick it up and not have the driveshafts come out super-easy!

Just in case you missed it, here’s the right-side rear camber link.

Assembling the turnbuckles for the front-end links.

And there they are! Yes, that left-side arm is a bit sticky, we’ll sort that out before we run it.

Steering links…

And assembled!

And done.

I said we’re done!
For a video review of these steps, check out the video below!