- Centro C4.5 - Dave Bristol -

The advantages are as follows:
1) Durability ( the B5 parts are stout )
2) Set ups are very close to the B5M
3) Parts availability ( you can get lots of B5 hubs arms ect.. but you more than likely will not need them)
4) Having something different and people ask what kind of car is that..

Now as far as the required parts.. obviously you will need the B5 arms, hubs, Sus pins, drive axles ect... But there is only 3 things that need to be modified.
1) Front lower bulkhead needs to have the sus pin holes drilled to accept the 3mm B5 sus pin.
2) Front sus pin brace needs to only have the holes slightly opened up to allow it to accept the 3mm sus pin ( don't drill all the way through it!! )
3) You will have to machine the rear sus pin of the B5 to match up to the B4/C4 rear sus pin size.. but only 8mm on each end of the pin so that it can fit into the derlin pivot that goes into each end of the sus block


D. Bristol