- Team Associated C4.1 - Introduction -
Tom Yardy - CML C4.1 CENTRO
The CML C4.1 'Centro' is the new mid-motor conversion for the Associated B4, and if you've seen the Atomic Carbon S2 cars previously, the C4.1 will look a little familiar since Jonathan Clarke has designed this beast also.
Tom Yardy received the first prototype car in October 2010 and admitted that after 3 laps he pulled over and exclaimed 'this is like cheating' - it was that good apparently. Tom asked us not to use this quote as it sounded 'well cheesy' but we used it anyway. Sorry Tom.
Neil Cragg tested the car in the week leading up to this event and declared a similar love for it after putting in a few laps. Neil was running an older prototype whilst Tom's car (pictured) is the latest version.
The car currently has some rough edges but this is still a prototype and things like the alloy parts will get anodised on the production car.

Paul Bradby's TQ car
Paul Bradby took TQ with a car he'd received less than 24 hours previously - the new pre-production CML C4.1 mid-motor conversion for the Associated B4.1.
At the previous round of the championship there was only one 'proper' pre-poduction C4.1 - in the hands of its most early adopter Tom Yardy. Neil Cragg had an early prototype without some of the features that will be on the final car like the alloy chassis and that very car was being piloted by Phil Sleigh at RHR.

Jonas Kaerup - CML C4.1, Mid Motor Associated B4
Jonas Kaerup was running quick all day with the new C4.1 that has been dominating the sharp-end of the UK's BRCA 10th off road national series this year. The new car is based on the Atomic Carbon S2 - a conversion for the Associated B4 which was reasonably popular - but with the Associated distributors now taking on the development and working with Atomic Carbon to bring the car to a wider audiance the car finally has the top drivers it needs to show it off.
Jonas got hold of one of the pre-production cars since he is 'mates' with fat-Gary Barlow look-a-like, Craig Drescher. Craig managed to sort Jonas a car out a few weeks prior to the Belgian GP and he managed to get in a couple of practice races with it before coming to Belgium - and it showed as he was bang on the pace.
Jonas also raced the regular Associated B4 prior to getting the new C4.1 and commented that for most tracks with this surface the mid-motor car was simply faster.


