- Bag F - Slipper Clutch -

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Assembling the slipper clutch is quite easy, however there are few points to pay attention to.

My build notes:

  • At this point, you should know what gearing you’ll use. The kit comes with a 72T and a 81T spur gears. The spur gear to use depends of your motor and your track. Refer to the “Motor Gearing“ section of the instructions manual at page 18.
  • b5_gearing

  • The inner slipper pad must be perfectly inserted into the spur gear.

  • Assembling the slipper clutch could be a little tricky, make sure all the slipper pads are perfectly aligned and nothing wobbles when spinning the spur gear.
  • RC10B5_52

  • The slipper clutch nut should be flush with the top shaft for stock adjustment.
  • RC10B5_53



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