- Team Associated B5M - Jake Sanders - Base Setup - 16.03.2014 -
This s where i am at right now with my b5m. car was really easy to drive a medium traction dirt surface. when the track is dry it becomes dusty and traction levels are drastically decreased, in these conditions i would run hubs forward to gain rear grip, at a minor loss of steering.
Car was so easy to drive everyone watching said it just looked SLOW on my TQ run for the night (ahead of a few b5r, xfactory cubed, b4.2s and some losi 22 2.0s) with this setup it didnt feel like it needed to driven hard to be fast.
On another note, using the b4.2 jconcepts wing the holes are drilled 5mm-6mm back from the "kit" marks. played with it as far forward as the b4.2 kit mark, and as far back as 12mm from them, ended up with the best feel at 5mm-6mm range.
Using a shorty in the 4mm from back position it just felt like the car didnt have enough rear grip on medium bite, car seemed to swing hard on mid-exit. using a shorty i think i would go back to the 4mm trail setting to smooth it out some, and add a 1mm spacer on the rear brace.

J. Sanders