- Team Associated B5M - Anders Lind - 3-Gear LCG Gearbox -

My own 3 gear low centre of gravity design has left the prototype phase and are now ready for race. The two first test on track was very positive and it was even better than our expectation. Both in handling and durability.

The main issue with the B5M on high grip is understeer and traction rolling. My conclusion was that it has to much overhang over the rear axle. Therefore I built the gearbox with rear tower on top.

The handling on track was over my goal. It has tons of steering both in and out of corners. Even when pushing very hard it stays on wheel without traction roll and it's very forgiving when hitting curbs.

My opinion when construction parts that goes outside the box there will be 49 crappy and one good. This was no 50!


A. Lind