- Team Associated B4.1 - Parts to convert a B4.1 into B4.2 -
Part # - Item
9679 - Factory Team Aluminum Bellcrank Set

9690 - Buggy Front Wheel, Hex, white or 9691 - Buggy Front Wheel, Hex, yellow

9695 - Buggy Rear Wheel Hex, white or 9696 - Buggy Rear Wheel Hex, yellow

9917 - Aluminum Hub Tower A, Graphite

9918 - Aluminum Hub Tower B, Graphite

91314 - 12mm Big Bore Shock Kit (B4, B44 front - all model versions)
91316 - 12mm Big Bore Shock Kit (B4, B44, rear - all model versions)
Springs and additional items related to Team Assocuated 12mm Big Bore shocks
