- Team Associated B4.1 - JW91 - Hard blown out 10th scale track -
Keep in mind I like my cars super aggressive in the corners and use little or no brake.
Shock -27.5 oil - #2 piston - Kyosho orange spring
Position - inner tower - outer arm
Caster - 25° (I just like them better than 30°)
Link- inner castor block and inner tower - 1 washer on tower
Ride Height - arms level
Note: I run a GT2 front bulkhead instead of nose weight, weight about 1/2 oz more than stock
Shock -27.5 oil - #2 piston - Kyosho dark yellow spring
Position - inner tower - inner arm
Link- middle on C tower and inner on unground U brace - 0 washers on U brace
Anti Squat/Toe - 2° anti squat - 3.5° toe block - 0° aluminum hubs
Ride Height - bones level
FT rear trans weight
1/4 oz in each triangle
4 nickles(yes nickles) behind the battery - weight about 3/4 oz (US nickles only - Canadian are lighter)
Probable around 2.5 total weight added.
Battery position middle
From what I've tested these new generation cars like weight on them so don't be afraid to throw some lead on it. It really settles the car down.
Like I said this setup will turn in without braking. If you use brakes them you'll want to either increase from oil or ride height or both.
