Front End What's not to like here from the newly released B64D? Ryan and the other drivers in the Invitational class debuted the brand new 4WD buggy from Team Associated at the event and came away with more wins than any other team. Built pretty much stock from the kit, Ryan added his usual gold turnbuckles and titanium screws to give the car his personal touch along with a few option parts like #92026 Front Arms, hard, and #92030 Aluminum Caster Blocks, 13 Deg.
- Front Arms, hard
- Aluminum Caster Blocks, 13 Deg.

Rear End If you look closely, you can see that Ryan chose to run the #92010 Gearbox Shim Set to raise his rear gearbox. This not only changes the roll center, shock height, and other geometric characteristics, it also raises the outdrives to give a different power delivery feel. Look for the team to use this tuning option quite a bit in events to come. Much like the front, Ryan chose to use the #92049 Rear Arms, hard, to tune the flex of the suspension.
- Gearbox Shim Set
- Rear Arms, hard

Inside Front End With so many new adjustments in the B64D it's sometimes a challenge to know where to start with the tuning. Ryan relied on his pre-race testing to establish a baseline setup that he knew would evolve with the ever-changing Reedy Race track. Going forward, Ryan and the team will test different combinations of: ballstud heights, locations, axle heights, roll centers, and all the other adjustments on the new platform to continue evolving the setup. One thing that will most likely always be in that setup, though, is the #1363 FT Aluminum Servo Horn, 18.5mm, that you see just peeking out.
- FT Aluminum Servo Horn, 18.5mm

Inside Rear End Mmmmm ... Kashima! Ryan used the Team Associated exclusive #91576 and #91577 FT FOX® Shocks with Genuine Kashima coat shock bodies on both of his vehicles. He also uses #91616, #91618 and #91620 V2 Chrome Shock Shafts that he polishes to a mirror finish to give him that butter-smooth shock action. Diving deeper in to the rear end specifically, you'll notice a lack of a fan on the motor. This is something that will begin to show up later in the season when temperatures rise or when racing on carpet.
- FT 12x23mm FOX Shock Bodies with Genuine Kashima Coat, V2, threaded
- FT 12x27.5mm FOX Shock Bodies with Genuine Kashima Coat, V2, threaded
- FT 3x21mm Shock Shafts V2, chrome
- FT 3x23 Shock Shaft V2, chrome
- FT 3x27.5mm Shock Shafts (V2), Chrome

Body and Wing Mimicking the styling from its 2WD brother, Ryan used the kit B64 body in lightweight with #91743 Adhesive Hook and Loop to secure it to the side guards. Ryan also chose to remove the nubs from the body mounts to give the body a flat surface to sit on. Providing the downforce in the rear is again the JConcepts™ Aero Long Cord wing, scuffed to perfection with some Scotch-Brite™.
- B64 Lightweight Body, clear
- Adhesive Hook and Loop
