Setup for clay tracks, medium
traction, medium bumpy, tight track.
35wt Losi oil with 3 hole #55
drilled pistons (Academy 3 hole 1mm pistons drilled)
ACD White spring
25mm ride height
Tower/Arm position 2C
Camber position 3C with 30 degree block. 1mm spacer under ball
Spacer under steer knuckle on bottom
Long shock bottoms
1/4 weight on each side of servo
Steering trimmed to get full throw
Wide MLP
Tires Front: Pink 7206 Losi ribs, Losi Pink Tapers or J Concepts
Gold Bar Code
30wt Losi Oil with 3 hole #56
drilled pistons (Academy 3 hole 1mm then drill to size)
ACD whitle springs
25mm ride height
tower/arm position 2B
Camber position 1B
1/2oz weight on each side of battery as far back behind receiver
and speedo
Rear hubs trimmed and moved 3mm forward
Narrow MLP
Tires Rear: Pink BK Bars or J Concepts Gold Bar Codes
Shock Bladders flipped with shocks
rebounding more than 1/2 way
Slipper setting to your liking (mine slips less than 1ft)
Sidewinder speedo with 4600 Mamba geared 22/78 (Can gear up if
Yeah Racing 4000 mah lipo
Diggity graphite shock towers front and rear (same positions as
stock but are great looking and very strong)
I ran J Concepts Bar Codes front and
rear with stock white foam and worked all day with little to no tire
wear. Pinks BK Bars Rears with the Pink 7206 ribs or Pink Tapers for
front are what most run at are track and also proven to work well. I
would start with your local tire of choice and traction compound.