Oil - 45wt Losi
Piston - Kit
Spring - Kit white
Camber link - Middle on both bulkhead and hub
Shock position - Middle on both tower and wish bone
Castor - 27.5deg
Spindle height - Down
MLP - Short
Notes: use longer rose joints on the bottom of the shocks as more
droop was needed, Associated axles, shock bladders fitted upside
Oil - 30wt Losi
Piston - Kit
Spring - Tamiya TRF silver (mainly as I didn't have any Academy
Camber link - Middle on chassis and outer on hub
Shock position - middle on wishbone 1 hole in on tower
MLP - Long
Notes: 20grams of weight between the gearbox and batteries, Losi
wheels used.
Schumacher mini spikes
Gearing 28/83
Motor - LRP X11 7.5 sintered
LRP speedo settings - 2-2-1-1
Track: multisurface,
astroturf dirt and tarmaced bankings