My GV2 was awsome last night... I ran
Albericos setup wed and like it, but it pushed a bit more than I can
drive patiently.....Here's what I ended up with and it was alot
faster and stayed dead consistent, with the fastest lap 3 tenths
quicker than wed night's club race.
Camber 3 - C 2 #4 AE washers under
the ballstud
Steering - stock rack with one #4 washer on the spindle
MLP - narrow
Shocks - 3-hole pistons 57's 30wt losi black academy springs
Shock at middle hole in arm, middle in tower
27.5 aluminum caster kickup, stock droop (just below level)
3 degree's of anti-squat (AE .030
washer under front holder)
Camber 2 - B no washers
Shocks unscrewed 1 turn, 3-hole 56's 20wt losi white academy
Shocks mounted outside in arm and #3 in tower
MLP narrow
Novak 7.5 'lite' geared 80/23 GTB
4-coast brake stock rest
Protek 4000 lipo + 1mm stainlessplate for weight (weighs 4.5oz.)
Run the slipper as tight as traction will allow, tons of forward
AE wheels F/R- Pink Tapers, Pink 3 rib prescrubs bomb 1
foams...flame and sauce with zip free
Jumps excellent!!!!, very predictable
on/off throttle.
I set my slipper so on the bench if I
hold both rear tires firmly on the ground it pulls the front wheels
4-6" up off the ground, Also a tip: Scuff the pads regularly
with 600ish sandpaper that will take the glaze off and it will be
alot more consistent.... I also use a TINY TINY bit of blue loctite
on the slipper screw, mines loosened a bit during a run before.