The main chalenge was to get the car
to carve turns but still remain easy to drive fast. So the below
setup does that but could be too much steering depending on track
Academy 1 hole pistons 27.5 wt losi
white springs
shocks mounted inside hole in arm and middle in tower
camber 3 - c with 3 #4 washers
one washer under the ball stud on the steering rack
MLP wide
1/2oz weight added in front of the steering rack
27.5 degree caster block but with shims behind the rear mounting
srews to make it 30 degrees (make sure to use flexable washers
that will bend to the keyed bulkhead.
Drilled 55, 55, 56 pistons with
25wt. or kit 2-hole pistons with 30wt white springs (the drilled
pistons gave the car a little more pack, other than that felt the
shock mounted middle in arm and #2 in tower
camber 2 - b with one #4 washer under the bulkhead ballstud
MLP wide
I was running 1.5 degree anti-squat but recommend 2