In the past year that I went for some soul (car) searching, (ha!) I notice there is not as many factory team settings available through places like Petit RC. I could not find a set-up with REEDY Tires, so I leave you with mine. Nothing revolutionary, part of what I love about this car is its simplicity, but I guess this car is all about the details.
I put my Yoke on the asphalt at Gulcoast this past weekend and it was a great experience. For the first time in a long time, I feel like I ran to my fullest potential on asphalt once again (let's not mention carpet).
These were the settings I used for the weekend on the way to a second place finish and fastest overall laps of the weekend. A little more practice on asphalt and I think the win could have been in the cards.
The settings include the ESC settings as well, scroll down for the Chassis. Shameless plug now: our new definitive springs were awesome on the asphalt. I used Pink Springs all around after having tested HPI Silver, Ride Red and Silver, as well as Yokomo Pink and Blue, I settled on ours, which was a very pleasant and rewarding experience that they were the best. On carpet, I have been running our blues over the Yokomo Blue/Pink Blue/blue combo I was using before. A little more stability, keeping steering and overheating tires less.
It's one of the things I have always told my friends, whatever car it is, always keep a set of vented and a set of non vented caps. When I have run XRAY I have even plugged up the holes that already come in the shock caps from the mold. It is a very cheap option part that makes a HUGE difference.
Setting the shocks up with proper rebound is a little bit harder when they are not vented, but when they are not, you can actually play around with the amount of rebound based on how you build your shocks. With a vented cap, the shocks are easier to build, but usually getting rebound is harder.
