Yokomo factory driver Enrico Jung is running the actual BD12 touring car here in Aigen. His car is equipped with RC Maker topdecks, and a 3D printed bumper from BoomRC. In case of screws, Enrico trusts in a set of titanium screws from T-Work`s. The rest of his car is almost as it came out of the box.
A servo from MiBo is responsible for the steering, while Gens Ace batteries are powering the Orca ETS combo. Enrico topped his car with a Wolverine Max body shell from ZooRacing in the 0.5mm Lightweight version.
Body Shell: ZooRacing Wolverine MAX (0,5) Speedo: Orca ETS Motor: Orca ETS 17.5T Battery: Gens Ace 8200mah Radio: Sanwa M17 Servo: MiBo Tires: Matrix EPA -036R ETS Sponsors and support: Yokomo, Gens Ace, Mibosport,Team Zombie, P stickers, A-Paint
