- Yokomo BD11 Assembly Tips -
by Nicholas Lee
The first assembly Pro tip will be focusing on the new carbon fibre suspension arm. Glue is added on all resin parts to strengthen and secure the parts. It further prevents bad tolerances from occurring from crashes or a long period of usage.
*Yokomo super quick glue(cs-sgex) and an ultra thin (0.4mm) nozzle is recommended.
The positioning of the o-rings are placed on the outer part of the sway-bar holders

Optional: Glue is added around the pulley.

1mm c-clip is recommended. 10x0.2 shims will not be needed in this case.
This will instantly remove unwanted tolerance around the spur gear and Centre pulley.

Recommended 8x6x0.3 shim

Building a leak-free and consistent diff!

Recommended for performance enhancement: #B9-501GA

Recommended for performance enhancement: #B9-BTCB

Adding some oil before loading up on the spring retainer helps to smoothen the process.

Recommended: 1mm hole is drilled to achieve zero rebound

Recommended: Thumbnail screw(#B9-118GS) and a 0.15mm shim
