- Team Yokomo BD10 Axon Spur Installation -

by Kazuki Endo

Tips for this time will be the way to install the Spur Gear of the yokomo bd10.
I would like to tell you the axon style this time.

The way to assemble the manual, the Spur Gear is going to be in the middle of the day.
In the manual, I put the Spur Gear in the boss of the Spur Gear holder and put the shims in it, but I'm going to change it here.

I'm going to put the shims ahead of the 3 Boss of the Spur Gear holder. This shims uses zc-s30 pla spacer on sale from Yokomo.
This shims on sale from Yokomo is high precision shims, and it is suitable for rotating parts because the fricative is small and less worn.

The Thickness of the shims uses a piece of 0.5 mm. It's a total of 3 pieces. Fixed c ring will be a little tighter but can stop without problems. also, the position of Spur Gear is also optimized and comes to the center of the machine.

It's running around and around the corner, and the throttle feels more direct, and the response is improved.
It's a simple adjustment method, so please try it once.
Additional items will be Yo-S30 3.0 mm Spacer shims.


K. Endo