Here are my set-up sheets from the recent Race of Champions by Monaco RC which was run at the ASD Minicar Lucca facilities. Great debut for the XRAY X4'24!
Couple of set-up tips for asphalt:
I definitely preferred having the shock holders mounted to the chassis only, this gave the best feel and most mechanical grip.
We preferred the fixed rear shock tower on this track as it provided the best consistency.
2.0mm of shock shimming in front and rear (as per the basic asphalt setting) is a great starting point, but don't be afraid to go even lower to improve side bite and drivability (at the expense of a bit of initial steering).
Q - 3 deg of rear toe in were enough with the new matrix? is the new car more stable?
A - it was on this track because it has a pretty good natural grip, in combination with high track temps, which makes this tire work at its full potential.
