Tech tip: optional -1mm X4'24 Alu Upper Clamps (part number 301578).
The part is very similar to the -1.5mm clamps that were available for the X4'22 & 23 cars. However, it's slightly different on the 24 car due to the updated design of the upper clamps.
These optional upper clamps make the upper arms 1mm longer. A longer upper arm reduces camber gain, which will free up the car, make it less edgy, less prone to traction rolling, and can generally help to improve handling in many different conditions.
I particularly like these for spec classes. When I run blinky at my local asphalt track, going to the optional clamps is the difference between having to lift, or the possibility to drive the sweeper coming onto the straight with wide open throttle. It definitely helps to improve on-power steering, in this case.
Another example when I tried and preferred these parts was at the ETS - Euro Touring Series round that I did on carpet in Austria in March. I regret only having tried them as late as A3, because that was the best my car was the whole weekend. They did make the car less bound up, more effortless in a sense. Low speed steering improved, as it didn't feel like suspension worked the tires as hard (which is a direct result of less camber gain).
The team has also had very good results with these clamps on asphalt in both stock & modified classes recently.
Many drivers feel that they need to go 0.5 or 1mm lower with the upper arms on the inside point to perfect the feel with them. Other than that, I would keep the rest of the setup the same when putting them on. Remember to reset the static camber setting after swapping the parts out!
Keep in mind that the -1.5mm clamps from the 22 & 23 versions of the X4 will NOT fit the X4'24!
