TOS Andernach debrief! 5th position overall. Very close to the guys in front, only the winner seemed to have an edge over the rest of the competition! Played around with set-up, trying something new each round. Definitely a good weekend of gathering set-up info for the ETS - Euro Touring Series next month! But no excuses, simply have to work harder to try and get on top!

I am sharing my set-up sheet, both for the chassis and the electronics.

Set-up wise, we've gone in a bit different direction to previous races. The surface and tire combination (Volante V8) seemed to demand a lot of steering from the car (especially low speed steering, due to the technical track layout). As a result of this, we have made the car more aggressive:

ARS in rear. Using the optional aluminium steering block, in combination with a 2 degree rear C-hub. Set to have 0.25 degrees of toe-gain on compression. The link mounted to the bulkhead, and the carbon plate towards the bottom on the steering block. We are using the rear arm as straight as possible, to reduce the inboard toe (this frees up the rear of the car).

Our spring choice was progressive (2.5-2.8) all around, with 2.7 rear spring as the 2nd option, which has a little less grip in the middle of the corner, but frees up the rear even more.

We removed the T-brace stiffener in rear, to help the car to rotate. This is something which we very rarely try on other tracks, but it worked really well here at Arena33.
The 5200 Platin battery from Sunpadow RC works fantastic, makes the car really agile and reduces chassis roll. I am using the XRAY 309862 steel 35g narrow battery plate under the battery, to make the car balanced.

The 2-hole (19mm height) clamp servo horn was the best option get good steering response (on other tracks we like the offset horn, which is lower, to make the car less nervous).

ESC setting - didn't change too much, I used 2 degrees more drag brake than I usually do, to help the car turn in the 180 deg corners, and I also reduced the boost, as well as the endbell timing, to make the power band smoother. Hobbywing Salton Dong

Tire prep - the V8 tires seem to work best when cleaned with brake cleaner, additive applied once, and with tissues in the warmers (65 deg in the warmers).


A. Hagberg