We're back from a gruelling two weeks of testing and racing at the world-renowned racing track: RC Addict for the 2024 instalment of the TITC race! We are proud to have two cars that made the A main in both the modified and open brushless classes!
Gamee TITC 2024 - A6 Open BL, Xpress XQ11

Gamee's Race Report
This year is superHard track conditions changed every time and in rounds. The final is very unlucky for Me
First Final I drove only 2 laps because on the grid start someone in front of me was spinning and I hit in and my body was broken. Finished in 9th
Second Final I was still in third and someone pushed me behind and a hard break-in made spur gear break, and not finish one more time, but lucky that a lot drivers were not finished so I was still in 7th
Last Final This was the first round I drove finished and a good battle by Bemmerl Thomas and I finished 2nd is a good point for help me to 6 place
 Gamee TITC 2024 - A6 Open BL, Xpress XQ11
 Team Xpress TITC 2024
 New RC Body??
 Xpress Team: Yugo (Modify A10) & Gamee (Open BL A6)

After some unlucky finals, Gamee managed to get a 3rd place finish in the last final and ended up 6th overall. Here is his car with the trophy!

Gamee made some choice upgrades specifically for this track. Most notable was the choice of an aluminum chassis plate #XP-11061 to deal with the tremendous grip with this year's control tires.

At the front, the chassis stiffener #XP-11098 was used to reduce bulkhead flex for a more stable car and to get more consistent laptimes.

Horizontal body mounts with split topdecks to provide a consistent handling car. The rear chassis stiffener #XP-11121 was used with all screws in the rear flex area installed to reduce rear chassis flex.
