Vegas 2.03
Motor - Novak Ballistic 8.5
Endbell Timing - N - 1 Mark
Rotor - Stock Ballistic
Gearing - 19/87
Battery - Thunderpower 40C 5000 2S
Drag Brake - Off - Personal Preference
Brake Strength - 100 - I adjust with EPA on transmitter
Limiter - OFF
Neutral Width - 14 - Personal Preference
Voltage Cutoff - 2
Motor Type - BLFW
Throttle Profile - 3
Dual Mode
Timing Advance - 92
Push Control - OFF
Very Cool Motor and Speedo
Very Smooth Power Delivery
Capable of controlled wheelies on command if traction is
Again... This is in an SC10... So I'd assume you could go up 1
or 2 teeth on the pinion.
I'm still trying to perfect a sensored tune... But honestly. I
don't see a point... This is SOOO smooth and has a boatload of