So just for a bit of variation here is my latest setup from the weekend.
I've ran through quite a number of settings... but came back to this. Big issue I had during the day was getting the rear of the car consistent. Turns out the diff shims had conned a bit, and when I put a fresh diff in, much better. Something to bare in mind.
Now... I'll be slightly controversial, and say I have tested quite a bit of what setup is on Simmi's car. And personally wasn't so keen on a few bits. Obviously its working for him, but whenever I've tried a few of the bits I end back on where I was.
For example, I keep trying different flex setups (1:1, 1:2 motor mount screws, top deck screw in and out), but always end up back on a 2:2 setting, with the top deck screw. Just feels the best. Only in stock have I ever got a softer car to work, but in mod it becomes inconsistent to drive. (Side note, I have also taken to adding the set screws in any open holes which seems to help resist tweak better.)
When I tried two screws and set screws in the shock tower, the car frankly felt broken. Don't think it last 5min before I pulled in and put the normal screws back in. Personally think that is a setting more for ally chassis than carbon... so won't be trying it again anytime soon.
Wheelbase wise... shorter front to me just flat lacks steering. Again, maybe the mod v stock thing... but I like to drive a car with a strong front end.
X/E has also become my defacto rear block setup, even on small tight and low grip circuits, and lrp horsepower.. actually briefly went back to X/F whilst trying to sort the rear end issues on Sunday, and genuinely didn't feel much improvement in stability (although the diff is probably still to blame there) but a define reduction in steering through the middle of the corner. Funny one really. Although I did also make sure to compenate for the wheelbase change when switching between the different blocks (X/E 2mm, X/F 2.5mm)
Other things I played with over the weekend were rear shock position.... ended back on 3, although 4 felt good earlier in the day, but lacked steering when the grip came up.
And camber link shims... Having looked at the recent at the recent TRF setups, they are all leaning towards less inner link shims and more link angle. The shims on the sheet are where I ended up, with a half mm split. Balance felt good there. 1mmF/0.5mmR felt too stuck in the middle of the turns, whilst more became less reactive. 1.5F/1.0R just felt best compromise all round, especially given the other shims I was running. Note those shims are based on std, not H5 ball studs.
Anyway, made some progress, o ce the diff was sorted car was a lot better... Probably should concentrate more on driving than fiddling now