Saturday is over and we had on road racing again in Budapest, with excellent result for TRF: TQ & Win again :-).
Track was the same as 2 weeks ago, however I wanted to test following:
- 2.5 degree rear (X-E)
- SMJ progressive springs
The car was great, starting with 16.2 mp as best lap. I moved roll center shims back to 3 mm (from 2.5), which turned better, car was more constant. This time I used LTCR body. Then I switched to LTC 2.0 which gave more steering and direct move, best lap achived 16.1.
I had TQ with 16.058 mp as best lap during qualifying, P2 was just ~0.15 mp slower on best, overall 3 mp difference within 5 minute race.
Average lap times during qualifying was around 16.2-16.3. First race was very similar to qualifying, since I didn't change anything just checked tires, since they became "worn", so added glue when needed. Front tires were glued to avoid traction roll.
For the 2nd race I changed tire preparation which gave a big improvement in terms of handling & being constant for 5 minutes, best lap didn't change but average lap times improved to 16.1-16.2. I was struggling a bit in first race since on the 1-6 laps I was not quick enough....
For the 3rd race (I already won so I took it as testing) I wanted to try screws in bulk head and center weight screws to make chassis less flex, since traction was getting high. So all 3 screws were installed :-) + 2nd screw installed in center weight. The car was amazing, average lap time improved to 16.0, best to 15.96 with a big won.
All of 3 races were safe, won by 3-5mp from 2nd. There was no battle at all :-) which I missed a bit :-(!
Comparing vs previous race (2weeks ago), car improved approx 0.2mp on best lap, on average 0.3mp, overall 3-4mp on 5 minute race.
The car is fantastic, I love it :-)!
