- Tamiya TRF416X - Jilles Groskamp - TITC - 20-21.02.2010 -

Some question regarding your TITC setup.

I am comparing it to your basic rubber outdoor setup. Hope you can enlighten us on the reason for the change for the following;

Ride height - You ran at 4, 4.5 vs the usual 5, 5.5.

Sus mount spacer - you went up 0.5mm all round

Camber - 0.5deg more than usual

Front sus blocks - 1D and 1B? What is the the advantage running the front front (1D) block wider than the front rear (1B)?

Downstop - the arms were higher by 0.5mm, from the usual 6, 5. Is this due to you running the ride height at 4, 4.5?
If you ran ride height at 4, 4.5 but remain the downstop at 6, 5. What will be the disadvantage?


RCAddict track was pretty flat, so you could run lower ride height, this helps against traction roll, especially in the evening. As the grip was really high I went to 1mm rollcenter shim. This maked the car a lot smoother to drive and took out little traction so it had better cornerspeed.
Due the highspeed section and the MuchMore tyres I felt more traction in the corner with little more camber.
Front susp blocks 1D/1B you create little armsweep, this basicly gives more steering in the big sweeper and is less aggressive going in the corner.
If you keep the downstop at 6/5mm with the lower ride height, you will have more uptravel. This makes the car roll more as it can transfer more weight.
Therfore I added little more droop to have the same uptravel when I use 5/5.5mm ride height.

Jilles Groskamp
