Last week saw the 2016 Schumacher Day Event held at the Miniautodromo Ca’ de Mandorli Circuit in Bologna, Italy.

The perfect place to host this year’s Schumacher Event in Italy, Saturday saw an open track day where racers had useful track time to perfect there car setup for this fast flowing circuit. The control tire of choice for this event being the Sorex 36SY. A good choice with temperatures reaching 30degreesC.

After such a nice day on the Saturday, Sunday morning came and racers were greeted with some rain! Sadly this caused some of the racers to leave, but for those who stayed, later in the day the weather cleared and the track dried nicely.

For this race Andy Murray, Schumacher design engineer would make the trip, to support the strong team of Schumacher drivers.

With half of qualifying run in wet conditions, it would be a Schumacher pairing of Andy Murray (Open modified) and Alessio Tolomelli (stock) who would take the pole positions with their new Mi6 chassis.

In the finals, it was a close battle between Andy Murray and Alessio Moto, but Andy could take a lights to flag victory in the end. The stock class was less straight forward, the Schumacher team drivers Alessio and Ludovico coming together off the start line, allowing Enrico to capitalise, and he could get a good lead that he could hold onto for the rest of the race with a fantastically controlled race, with Pole man Alessio not so far behind.

Open modified
1) Andy Murray - Mi6
2) Alessio Mota
3) Stefano Bettazzoni

1) Enrico Tinaglia
2) Alessio Tolomelli - Mi6
3) Ludovico Tagliavini - Mi6

Thanks to everyone for entering this great race, and we were glad to offer some great prizes.
