All assembled. Went together like butter.
Some notes:-
Upper arm assembly - popping arm onto balls is easier when done with the balls installed into the front camber mount so you can get some additional leverage (instead of instructions in step 17)
Setup for short upper arm (step 16)
Setup the reactive caster (step 18) for 10% (4mm shim- not included) and removed the 2mm screws used to statically set the caster value
Used black grease in step 22 on the Aluminum Pivot Ball Holder and Steering Pivot Ball
Otherwise built the kit as recommended

Electronics build out underway on our new Rapide P12 Evo2
Parts to complete the build:
- TQ Wire 16ga
- TQ Wire battery bullets
- MRT mPTX transponder
- Roche 440034 72t spur
- Tekin RS Pro 1S
- Sanwa PGS-HR
- Sanwa RX-492

Step 1- Servo Setup-
1A - Mounting the Sanwa PGS-HR servo directly to the tabs on the case instead of using the servo mount. If you strip the case tab use a locknut.
1B - Build the XRay servo saver 372503 by placing the plastic front and back together and then pushing the 4 metal springs onto the saver.
1C - Finally install the kit ball ends and supplied 2mm shims.
Steering setup and servo saver screw to be done once the car is race ready

Our Rapide P12 Evo2 build is complete!
Few notes:
- 150mm TQ Wire sensor cable used
A little balance weight was needed on the right hand side (15g).
The servo saver sits so low that excess material needed to be removed -- easily done with a Dremel sanding wheel
