There are few things which are new or different with this car, I want to share some of the experience my teammates made in summer and from my own experience.
: :
The shock installation leaves you with some options.
You could install the grub screw in both front and rear shock towers by using loctite/screw lock (left), or you can fit them in the upper shock ball directly (right).
Same option for the front bottom installation, you can use a grub screw in the arm (like you have to use for the rear) or in the bottom shock part.

The upperlink requires some attention to make sure it works flawlessly.
If you are going to change caster or you want to change the amount of shims, you have to tighten the both inner balls correctly.
By doing this, I would always disconnect the outside ball to be sure it is moving free (unless you got some more experience).
Additionally, make sure the outside plastic is sitting flat at anytime when you for example adjust camber or make a new installation.
If its not flat, it may not move as free as it should.

If it may feel a bit unsual to work with that many grub screws in the beginning, you could also opt to replace some with buttonhead screws like in the upperlinks (inside) or front/rear steering knuckles (A2150).

If you want to remove the body stopper quickly for changing the amount of shims underneath or checking the outside upper link area, replacing one screw with a grub screw and loctite does make the job quicker.
