I have posted a basic asphalt setup sheet suiting various tires and track conditions.
Mostly for Modified, but I would suggest following changes for Stock:
- less steering angle
- less rear toe-in
- shock position 1/2mm more upright front/rear
- bodyshell position lower in rear
- ride height lower in rear
You can use a tool like this one from Arrowmax (Multi Shock Clamp) for quick and trouble free assembly, does work for every ball on MTC2R!

A difference to the mtc2 kit, it’s possible to position the shock 2mm further in, please keep this in mind when comparing to previous mtc2 setups.
The front shock towers are also lower, rear has been unchanged.
The possibility to turn the upper shock cap allows you to mark and remember what’s inside, for example turning it to the outside, showing 400 oil (40)

New Driveshafts & Clips
As the new driveshafts have tiny clips, prepare all individual pins with clips on one end before finishing it.

Option Parts:
I have chosen a few option parts right away, for example optional belts (A2245) which I recommend for Modified or anybody who is running a lot as they have long life attitude.
A2541 6.75P progressive (front) spring
A2706 Motor Mount Weight 15g
A2818 set of upper titanium screws

B0557 2 in 1 tool
A great tool to adjust toe and camber quick and simple

Body Stopper
To change the height of a body stopper more easily and quicker, you can replace on either the front or rear of it by changing it to a set/grub screw.

Diff cams
As the belt tension for Diff and Spool having finer steps now in between, it might not be too easy to see the exact position when everything is installed, so the simple use of a bright colored pen can help.

Weight Distribution
Balance tools like from Arrowmax can be used to simply display your weight distribution without using scales, etc.

Servo Horn B0553
I am always opting for this servo horn, as you can adjust it in basically any important height.
Recommend to use 17mm for carpet racing, and 17.5mm-18.5mm for outdoor asphalt racing.
