I finally got to test the 1hole damper mod, and some Ackerman & bump steer corrections for asphalt outdoor.

I would highly recommend if you're running on a medium-large track asphalt, and lower grip levels. that you try running your Ackerman around 4mm, and 1-2mm bump steer shims on the outer

**This may not translate if using the Matrix ETS style tire, lots of varying setup info is floating around with that tire, I'm personally really liking the Volante v9x here it's a solid performer and lots of longevity in abrasive conditions!

This transformed the car for me and got me lapping alot nicer and more comfortably in the pace window I want to be

I also tested the 5k diff with 1.0g of oil in it, compared to 7k/8k with 0.8g, the feeling is a lot nicer despite the diff check value being the same (220 on SkyRC checker) and the drop-off during the run was alot less with temperature, my older setting was losing 10-15% stiffness when I measured at the end of the run, this 5k 1.0g setting now doesn't seem to drop off nearly half as much after the run, very impressed


C. Mitchell