Stock Driver Modfied ESC setup

First ever Modified ESC setup from me
The power is turned down by a good margin in this setupsheet.
Big thanks to Salton Dong for all the help and adjustments!!!!

We used the optional 12,1mm Rotor to make the bottom end power a bit smoother.
As you can see, I used 0deg Boost Timing as I still tended to use too much throttle in the infield and went into the Boost range (when used Boost timing) which made me overshoot the corners even more 😄

Also I turned down the Throttle Rate Control to 10, which is fairly low but helped to improve the drive feeling for me.
I had for sure not the highest top speed on the backstraight, which could be easily adjusted with more turbo timing, but I noted that more topspeed wouldn't improve my laptime at the current stage of my driving skills and experiences in this class.


M. Machler