- Team CRC Gen Xi - Kenny Lambert - IIC - Las Vegas - 2011 -
Body: CRC Black Art Audi R8C
Front Tires: Crc magenta 40.75mm glued face
Rear Tires: Crc Yellow 41.75mm
Batteries: inline
Front springs: .55
Caster: 10 degrees with shims 1 forward two back
Side springs: whites 2 1/2 from all way out & tweaked
Center shock spring: green
Center shock oil: 30wt
Dampner oil: Losi 50000
Front ride height: 3.5mm
Rear ride height: 3.5mm
Center ride height: 3.25mm
droop: tons use wgt shock end
Car was amazing traffic was awful
What rollout and settings did you run on your Tekin kenny?
Rollout really depends on track size and Tekin setup pretty standard 212 blinky
drag 0
push 0
profile throttle 5
timing profile 1
limit 0
brakes 85