.020 linear springs
#2 Shurlube on the kingpins
10 degree blocks with 4 degree static caster
Jaco Lilac tires trued to 1.65
4.5 mm ride height
Standard flex plates, long mount
Silva shock, 40w associated oil, blue spring
#3 Shurlube in damper tubes
Jaco Pink tires trued to 1.75
4.5 mm ride height
EnerG 4600 NiMh to rearmost
Protoform Speed 12B
I'm surprised I actually got 3 weeks out of this body!
Car turned in very fast,
but the back end stayed put. Shot outta the corners with ease, and
no high speed drift thru the sweeping turns. Tire wear was
excellent. Hardly look like I ran them. Gonna try 5 degree blocks,
and drop down to 4mm ride height, just to see what happens.